23 September, 2024

IHRS contributes with a chapter in new book on Antisemitism

The Director of the IHRS, Karin Kvist Geverts, contributes in a new book on Antisemitism published by Studentlitteratur (2024). The chapter written by Kvist Geverts discusses antisemitism in the post-war period in Sweden. Other chapters discusses antisemitism in social media, historical and religious antisemitism, and antisemitism in the Middle East Conflict. The book is… READ MORE

23 September, 2024

Programme for the IHRS and HL-Senteret Conference 2024

The Norwegian Center for Holocaust and Minority Studies (HL-senteret), Norway, and the Institute for Holocaust research in Sweden (IHRS) will host the 2024 Conference at Villa Grande in Oslo, Norway on the theme Holocaust Exhibitions and Memory Culture on November 14. We are happy to announce that Professor Emile G. L. Schrijver (photo), General Director… READ MORE

10 June, 2024

Call for Papers is open

The Norwegian Center for Holocaust and Minority Studies (HL-senteret), Norway, and the Institute for Holocaust research in Sweden (IHRS) cordially invites scholars, curators and educators in the field of Holocaust Studies and Education to the conference Holocaust Exhibitions and Memory Culture at Villa Grande in Oslo, Norway, on November 14, 2024. Scandinavia’s first Holocaust… READ MORE

4 June, 2024

The IHRS condemns the act of vandalization against antisemitism-scholar

When the Political Scientist Anders Persson came to his office at Linnaeus University on Monday morning on May 27th it had been vandalized. Unknown persons had placed childrens clothing with “blood drops” on the wall, written “blood on your hands”, painted a Hitler mustasche on a photo of Anders and written on the white board:… READ MORE

24 November, 2023

IHRS participates in new research project

The Swedish Research Council has granted funding to the project “Witnessing for the future. Holocaust, Sweden and Forgotten Early Testimonies” in which the Director of IHRS, Karin Kvist Geverts, is participating together with Associate Professor Andrej Kotljarchuk, Uppsala University, and Associate Professor Simo Muir, Lund University. The purpose of the project is twofold: first,… READ MORE

20 October, 2023

Statement from the Director of IHRS

On October 7, the terrorist organization Hamas launched a massacre on civilians in Israel which led to more than 1200 murdered and close to two hundred Israelis taken hostage. The attack is the single largest massacre of Jews since the Holocaust and behind every number there is a human being – a child, a… READ MORE

11 October, 2023

Statement from the founder of IHRS

Dear Friends, I am writing you with profound sorrow. The murderous attack that occurred in Israel was an act of antisemitism in its most depraved form by a genocidal regime in Gaza, sponsored by Iran, a country that repeatedly calls for the destruction of Israel. There can be no moral equivalence. “From the river… READ MORE

6 October, 2023

Watch the 2023 Conference online

Did you miss the IHRS and The Norwegian Center for Holocaust and Minority Studies (HL-senteret), Norway,  conference Contextualizing the Holocaust in the Nordic Countries in Stockholm on August 22, 2023? You can listen to the paper presentations, the keynote given by associate professor Sofie Lene Bak, and the panel discussion on “The future for… READ MORE

7 June, 2023

Programme for the 2023 Conference

The Institute for Holocaust research in Sweden (IHRS) and The Norwegian Center for Holocaust and Minority Studies (HL-senteret), Norway, are glad to announce that the response to our call for papers were great and we are therefore able to present an interesting and rich progamme at our annual conference. The theme of this years… READ MORE

21 April, 2023

Call for Papers is open

The Institute for Holocaust research in Sweden (IHRS) and The Norwegian Center for Holocaust and Minority Studies (HL-senteret), Norway, cordially invites you to the conference Contextualizing the Holocaust in the Nordic Countries. The conference is a collaboration between IHRS and HL-senteret and will be held at Historiska Museet in Stockholm on August 22, 2023.… READ MORE

27 January, 2023

New dissertation on Holocaust Education in Norway

On December 9, 2022, Fredrik Stenhjem Hagen defended his dissertation on Holocaust Education in Norway at Høgskulen på Vestlandet. The Director of IHRS, Associate Professor Karin Kvist Geverts was invited to participate in the evaluation committee, and as an opponent, along with historian Associate Professor Anders Granås Kjøstvedt of Oslo Metropolitan University. The committee… READ MORE

27 January, 2023

Lectures and Round Table on Holocaust Distortion

On November 8, the IHRS was a co-partner in organizing the Annual Seminar of the Swedish Committee Against Antisemitism (SCAA). The theme for the Annual Seminar 2022 was Holocaust Distortion. Professor Jan Grabowski of University of Ottawa and Dr. Juliane Wetzel from Zentrum für Antisemitismus Forschung at Technische Universität Berlin lectured on Holocaust distortion… READ MORE

11 October, 2022

IHRS participated in memorial on the rescue of the Danish Jews

On October 1st, the Institutet för studier i Malmös historia, ABF Malmö, Malmös kämpande historia and IHRS arranged a memorial on the rescue of the Danish jews in October of 1943. Karin Kvist Geverts lectured on “The Rescue of the Danish jews in October 1943” and Sara Glaser gave a speech in which she… READ MORE

23 September, 2022

IHRS participated in a workshop on antisemitism and conspiracy theories

IHRS participated in a Nordic workshop on antisemitism and conspiracy theories at Institut Judaicum Aboense at Åbo University on September 19. The purpose of the workshop was to gather scholars from Sweden, Norway, Denmark and Finland to discuss a common application on antisemitism and conspiracy theories. The workshop is a collaboration between IHRS, Uppsala… READ MORE

30 June, 2022

IHRS leads two panels on the Congress of Nordic Historians

On August 8-11th, the 30th Congress of Nordic Historians takes place at Gothenburg University. The theme of the Conference is “Global and local”. See the full programme here. The IHRS leads two panels under the heading Antisemitism in the Nordic countries: Regional expressions of global patterns of thought. Both panels will take place on… READ MORE

29 June, 2022

IHRS held its first conference

On June 17th, the IHRS and HL-senterets conference Sweden and the Holocaust in a Scandinavian Context. Local and Regional Aspects took place at Statens Historiska Museum in Stockholm, Sweden. The conference gathered 40 participants and new research on local and regional aspects of the Holocaust was presented in four sessions, see the full programme… READ MORE

29 June, 2022

IHRS responds to remittance on the Living History Forum

The government authority The Living History Forum was created in 2003 as part of the former Swedish Prime Minister Göran Persson´s information campaign aiming at increasing the knowledge on the Holocaust among Swedish youth. The information campaign also included the launch of the book “Tell ye your children” by Paul A Levine och Stéphane… READ MORE

28 June, 2022

Inauguration of the Swedish Holocaust Museum

On June 16th, the Swedish Holocaust Museum was inaugurated by Minister of Culture, Jeanette Gustafsdotter. The inauguration took place at Statens Historiska museer due to the fact that the Holocaust Museum has not yet opened in its temporary localities. The Museum launched its website, read more on The Swedish Holocaust Museum. The Museums Director… READ MORE

26 April, 2022

Conference Programme is public

The interest in the conference Sweden and the Holocaust in a Scandinavian Context. Local and Regional Aspects arranged by the IHRS and the HL-senteret has been overwhelming and we are therefore happy to announce the programme. The conference will include four sessions where new research is presented, a panel discussion on meeting the challenges… READ MORE

26 April, 2022

New facilities for the Swedish Holocaust Museum

The Swedish Holocaust Museum will be situated at Torsgatan 19 in the city center of Stockholm and open to the public next summer. The facilities will be the home of the museum for the coming years during the establishment of the museum. The Director of the Swedish Holocaust Museum, Dr. Katherine Hauptman, is pleased… READ MORE

23 February, 2022

Call for papers are open

Call for papers to IHRS and The Norwegian Center for Holocaust and Minority Studies (HL-senteret) conference Sweden and the Holocaust in a Scandinavian Context. Local and Regional Aspects on Friday, June 17th, 2022, in Stockholm are open. The conference is the first annual conference in collaboration between IHRS and HL-senteret and will focus on… READ MORE

5 October, 2021

Special funding for research on the Holocaust

The Swedish Government gives the Swedish Research Council a mandate to call for special funding for research on the Holocaust and antisemitism starting in 2022. The call opens on February 9 and ends on March 15, 2020. Read more here. The call is part of the pledges made by the Government during the International… READ MORE

5 October, 2021

IHRS to host an international conference with the HL-Senteret

IHRS will host a two-day international research conference in Stockholm on Local and Regional Aspects on Sweden and the Holocaust in close vicinity with the first meeting of the Swedish Presidency of the IHRA in June. We are happy to announce that the conference will be held in co-operation with the Norwegian HL-Senteret on… READ MORE


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