IHRS seek collaborations with individual scholars and institutions, both on research and on archive collections, on short and long term. We are welcoming requests on different types of collaboration and especially those which leads to a joint application for funding. Please contact the Director Karin Kvist Geverts on email karin.kvist.geverts@ihrs.se if you like to propose collaborations.


IHRS has initiated a collaboration with the Norwegian HL-Senteret in Oslo. We have co-organized two Conferences in Stockholm, in 2022 on Sweden and the Holocaust in a Scandinavian Context. Local and Regional Aspects and in 2023 on Contextualizing the Holocaust in the Nordic Countries. November 1942 and October 1943. During 2024 we will organize the Conference in Oslo at the HL-senteret. We will get back to you with details regarding the theme and Call for Papers. Watch videos from the 2023 Conference here.


IHRS have initiated a long-term collaboration with the Swedish Holocaust Museum. The collaboration includes supporting the Museum with expertise in its group of experts. We are also developing a seminar series for the public. Watch episodes from the series En dag i historien here (in Swedish only).


IHRS is participating in the research project “Witnessing for the future. Holocaust, Sweden and Forgotten Early Testimonies” funded by the Swedish Research Council and hosted by Uppsala University. The project is led by Professor Andrej Kotljarchuk at the Department of History at Uppsala University. Associate Professor Simo Muir, UCL and Uppsala University, and the Director of IHRS, Associate Professor Karin Kvist Geverts are members of the project team. The purpose of the project is twofold: first, to gather previously unknown, unused and neglected Swedish sources on the Holocaust and the Genocide of the Roma, and second, to investigate the nature and influence of the Swedish and transnational “ecologies” in which the witnessing took place. Simo Muir investigates the Yiddish language literary sources that discuss the Holocaust, and the survivors encounter with Sweden, written in Sweden and beyond. Andrej Kotljarchuk investigates early testimonies of Roma genocide survivors in Sweden, and Karin Kvist Geverts will explore if, how and when these minority narratives surfaced and how they were acknowledged, ignored, misunderstood in the public debate. The interlinked stories of the Jewish and Roma survivors are at the forefront of international research, and the project will create new knowledge on the Holocaust and the Genocide of the Roma as a Swedish and transnational event.


IHRS is part of the Swedish research network for Holocaust Studies which was initiated by Associate Professor Karin Kvist Geverts Director of IHRS together with Doctoral Candidate Martin Englund of Södertörn University College, Professor Malin Thor Tureby of Malmö University and Lecturer Lars M Andersson of Uppsala University. The Research Network is multidisciplinary and gathers ca 60 scholars. A textbook on Sweden and the Holocaust for university students in teacher training is currently being developed with chapters written by scholars within the network. The textbook is edited by Associate Professor Izabela Dahl of Örebro University and Karin Kvist Geverts of IHRS and will be published by Natur & Kultur.


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