21 April, 2023

Call for Papers is open

The Institute for Holocaust research in Sweden (IHRS) and The Norwegian Center for Holocaust and Minority Studies (HL-senteret), Norway, cordially invites you to the conference Contextualizing the Holocaust in the Nordic Countries. The conference is a collaboration between IHRS and HL-senteret and will be held at Historiska Museet in Stockholm on August 22, 2023.

This year marks the 80th Anniversary of the flight of the Danish Jews in October 1943 to Sweden, and last year marked the 80th Anniversary of the deportation of the Norwegian Jews in November 1942. This conference seeks to contextualize the Holocaust in the Nordic countries by using these two events as its starting point. Both events marked very different fates of Jews in the Nordic countries. At the same time, they call our attention to cross-border interconnections on both individual, communal and state levels.

We welcome proposals for papers exploring comparative approaches, local, regional and state level dimensions, aspects of agency, collaboration, resistance, refugee policy, experiences of exile in Sweden but also consequences and after-effects such as trauma, memory, representation, popular accounts and myths.

The paper should present new and original research. If you wish to present a paper, please submit an abstract of 200 words and a short bio via e-mail to the Director of IHRS, Associate Professor Karin Kvist Geverts, on karin.kvist.geverts@ihrs.se. Deadline for submission of abstracts is May 2nd. Confirmation of accepted papers will be given mid-May. The conference is free of charge. Call for Papers

BILDTEXT: Rescue of Danish Jews in October 1943. National Museum of Denmark

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