27 January, 2023

New dissertation on Holocaust Education in Norway

On December 9, 2022, Fredrik Stenhjem Hagen defended his dissertation on Holocaust Education in Norway at Høgskulen på Vestlandet. The Director of IHRS, Associate Professor Karin Kvist Geverts was invited to participate in the evaluation committee, and as an opponent, along with historian Associate Professor Anders Granås Kjøstvedt of Oslo Metropolitan University. The committee found Hagen´s dissertation “Antirasisme etter Auschwitz: Didaktiske refleksjoner om Holocaust som antirasistisk verktøy i den norske skolen” an important study which will have implications for the field of study in Norway and internationally. One thing which the committe found lacking was a more thorough discussion on the relation between the concepts antisemitism and racism, and thus gave Hagen the task to discuss this in his dissertation lecture. The dissertation was led by the Dean Asle Holthe and the evaluation committee was lead by Professor Morten Hammerborg. Download the dissertation open access here (in Norwegian).

BILDTEXT: Karin Kvist Geverts, Asle Holthe, Fredrik Stenhjem Hagen, Anders Granås Kjøstvedt and Morten Hammerborg. Photo: Stine Soltvedt Jakobsen

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